For special orders, bulk orders, wholesale, or private label opportunities, email us at! We’d love to hear from you! Wholesale buyers, please log in for discount rates.
While we stay at home and wait it out, most around the world are suffering much more than we are and they don’t have our safety nets. If you would like to help us in our work in Haiti directly, please consider a purchase from, a donation to or ask us about how to buy in bulk and resell for us! And please encourage others in your sphere of influence to do the same...
Almost ten years ago, after the earthquake, I found myself standing in a yard that is forever etched in my memory. Maybe it was because it felt so odd and a little out of place in the dusty aftermath of devastation...
Millions of dollars were donated in the months following the earthquake and since in Haiti. People were eager to help and hopeful that this boost and influx of charity would perhaps be the answer that Haiti has needed for so long. Things appeared to be getting better for a few years and then rumors of corruption and confirmations that the money was gone began to surface.
I'm in Haiti. I can’t get a picture as it is too dangerous. There are about 50 men outside yelling and throwing green glass bottles on the ground. Glass shards are spraying the side of the building.