Our Blog

Care of Your Steel Drum Metal Art
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Steel drum metal art, often crafted from recycled 55-gallon oil drums by artisans in Haiti, is celebrated for its vibra
Empowerment and Family Preservation
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How Jobs Help Keep Kids Out of Orphanages in Haiti: A Path to Empowerment and Family Preservation Haiti, a country deep
The Mission is Love
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I went to church today. It was a more traditional church that I am used to and the choreography of the service reminded
The Day After Easter
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The pastel eggshells are in the garbage and candy wrappers are strewn all over the kid’s bedrooms. We went to church yesterday and the minister was hyped. The band was hyped. And the faithful were hyped. Alongside Christians all over the world, we sang about how death couldn’t hold Him down.
With All My Heart
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When her face peaked in through the gate of the orphanage, I had no idea how much it would change the course of my lif
It’s Always Hard to Come Back
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It’s always hard to come back. Partially because I feel so much like my home is still in Haiti and my life straddles two worlds as I make that decision to put my family’s current needs first (as I should) above being physically present in Haiti all the time with the work that is so dear to me. And secondly because the extreme dissonance between two countries is never easy to make sense of.
A Butterfly Story
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Today I think I got the message. Don’t give up. It isn’t time yet. The smallest act of kindness in a big and daunting and somewhat hopeless world still has value. And if we stop the kindness, where will we be then? It is the only thing that allows our hope to live on. 
Missional Purchasing - The Value in Handmade
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While we stay at home and wait it out, most around the world are suffering much more than we are and they don’t have our safety nets. If you would like to help us in our work in Haiti directly, please consider a purchase from papillonmarketplace.com, a donation to papillonempowerment.org or ask us about how to buy in bulk and resell for us! And please encourage others in your sphere of influence to do the same...
A Note From Our Founder (Covid-19 Pandemic)
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The situation in Haiti was already precarious in 2019 as the country continued to endure political upheaval, riots, and

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